Greeting Juvenile Court Staff!!
I would like to congratulate our out-going President Mary Lindsey for hosting an outstanding 25th Joint Conference on Juvenile Justice and for her exemplary service as our 2007 – 2008 TJCSA President. Her dedication and hard work made the 2008 conference such a success with an excellent variety of topics including the inspirational speaker, Dave Pelzer!
I appreciate the opportunity to serve as the 2008-2009 TJCSA President and am committed to working diligently to make our 26th Joint Conference a great success! The workshops, events and activities planned will provide the opportunity for Juvenile Court staff to network and exchange professional ideas. I hope you plan to attend conference on August 2nd – 5th 2009 at the Airport Marriott in Nashville and anticipate having a wonderful time!
Elizabeth West
TJCSA President