Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association
In September 1972, Juvenile Court representatives from Davidson, Hamilton, Knox and Shelby Counties met in Nashville and agreed to form an ad hoc committee for the purpose of establishing a professional association of juvenile court workers that would become a permanent organization to serve the interest and needs of children in the State. As a professional association TJCSA continues to grow due to the strong support from all of our outstanding judges.
42nd Annual Conference on Juvenile Justice
August 17th – 20th 2025
Chattanooga, TN
Mini-Conferences By Region
We the TJCSA committee members would like to send our prayers and well wishes to our TJCSA members and their families of East TN that were recently affected by Hurricane Helene. Our wishes are that your community rebuilds stronger than before.
Professionalism | Community | Service
The objectives of the TJCSA activities are to promote professionalism within our field, to encourage continuous training for juvenile court workers, to create avenues for regular exchange of ideas and techniques used by our profession, and to develop meaningful and effective relationships with judges, other juvenile court personnel, and service providers.
Why You Should Belong…
The Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association can help you become more effective in resolving problems with which you are confronted daily.
TJCSA was founded in 1973 by a group of dedicated Juvenile Court professionals interested in improving the juvenile justice system. By joining TJCSA, you will have the opportunity to work with other professionals in serving the needs and interests of children in Tennessee.

Why You Should Belong…
The Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association can help you become more effective in resolving problems with which you are confronted daily.

TJCSA was founded in 1973 by a group of dedicated Juvenile Court professionals interested in improving the juvenile justice system. By joining TJCSA, you will have the opportunity to work with other professionals in serving the needs and interests of children in Tennessee.
Current Officers

Erica Glynn

Amy Pedigo

Amanda Stanford
Questions About Sponsorship?
Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible