Proposed bylaws changes for 2017

The following proposed bylaws changes (noted in yellow) have been approved by the Executive Committee for presentation to TJCSA membership’s consideration:

Article V – Executive Committee

Section 1.    The Executive Committee shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate Past President, three persons from each grand division of the State, and one three Board of Trustee members from each grand division of the State., selected at each meeting by the Chair/Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Article XIII – Board of Trustees

Section 2.  The Board of Trustees shall act in an advisory capacity to the President and the Executive Committee. Board of Trustees shall have three voting privileges at each Executive Committee meeting. Those persons shall be selected by the Chair/Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees at each Executive Committee meeting.

TJCSA members will be voting on the recommended changes on 8/16/17 at 9:00am at the Annual Business Meeting at the Nashville Airport Marriott.