The Nominating Committee, chaired by Margie Davis, has proposed a slate of nominees for the upcoming 2014-2015 term.
Pursuant to Article VIII of the TJCSA Bylaws, the TJCSA voting membership is to be afforded at least seven (7) days notice of the proposed slate of officers. Please take time to review the full slate of officers recommended for the upcoming year. Nominations may also be made from the floor, as long as they are in accordance with Article VIII and procedures prescribed by the Nominating Committee.
Pursuant to Article VIII of the TJCSA Bylaws, election of TJCSA officers is to take place by a simple majority vote at the annual business meeting schedule to take place on the last day of the 31st Annual Conference on Juvenile Justice at The Park Vista Hotel in Gatlinburg, TN on August 6, 2014 at 9:00am.