AOC scholarships now available for 32nd Joint-Conference

We apologize for the short notice on this opportunity but notification of this scholarship availability was only received 8:11pm (EST) on 5/17/15 via e-mail.

The Administrative Office of the Court is now accepting applications for a limited number of scholarships for the 32nd Annual Joint Conference on Juvenile Justice scheduled for this August 2-5th in Chattanooga.

Interested parties may contact Stephanie Etheridge, the AOC Juvenile Court Program Director, by e-mail at or by phone at (615) 741-2687, ext. 1111 or fax at (615) 741-6285.

** Application DEADLINE is May 20, 2015 **

The application form may be downloaded here.

Completed applications  should be either  e-mailed or faxed to Stephanie, before the 5-20-15 deadline.