Article III – Membership and Rules

Section 1. The membership of this Association shall be composed of those individuals who are employed by a local juvenile court in the State of Tennessee, or who are employed by a local government entity in the designated capacity of juvenile court personnel serving as court administrators/directors, city or county juvenile probation or youth services officers, detention personnel, or other juvenile court personnel as authorized by the judge with juvenile court jurisdiction within the State. This includes emeritus members.

Section 2. Emeritus members shall be those persons no longer in active duty with a juvenile court within the State of Tennessee and who have ten or more years service with juvenile court and have been a member in good standing with the Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association for ten or more years. They shall be subject to dues and shall have all rights and privileges as a member in good standing. Emeritus members shall have the right to serve on standing committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. A member in good standing shall have one vote at regular meetings of the Association; no member shall give their vote by proxy to another individual.

Section 4. No individual shall be a member in good standing until they have paid their annual dues for the year in which they claim membership. Membership shall be from July 1st to June 30th annually.

Section 5. Membership dues will be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the membership at the annual business meeting.