Article IX – Committees

Section 1. The President, with the advice of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the following standing committees:

  1. Program Committee
  2. Nomination Committee
  3. Time and Place Committee
  4. Bylaws and Resolution Committee
  5. Budget and Finance Committee
  6. Awards Committee
  7. Training Committee
  8. Minority Issues Committee
  9. Legislative Committee
  10. Scholarships Committee

Section 2. Program Committee. It is the duty of this committee to plan the program for the annual meeting of the Association.

Section 3. Nomination Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare a slate of nominees from the list of members of the Association.

Section 4. Time and Place Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to determine the proposed site for the annual meeting.

  1. The committee will consult with any interested person or court to determine the most appropriate site for recommendation.
  2. The committee shall make a recommendation to the Executive Committee for their approval.
  3. A report will be made to the Association at the annual business meeting.

Section 5. Bylaws and Resolution Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to review and present with its recommendation to all members all formally proposed amendments to the current bylaws. The committee shall also review and draft appropriate amendments and resolution recommendations of the Executive Committee. A report by this committee will be annually. Bylaws and Resolution Chairperson shall serve a two-year term, but can serve consecutive terms.

Section 6. Budget and Finance Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to assist the President in drafting the annual budget and in procurement of funds necessary for the maintenance of the Association. This committee shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past President, and two persons appointed by the President.

Section 7. Training Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to research, develop, and direct professional training, materials, and activities for juvenile justice practitioners. Training Committee Chairperson shall serve a two-year term, but can serve consecutive terms.

Section 8. Awards Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to select outstanding individuals, organizations, and programs, which have made significant contributions to the children and juvenile courts of Tennessee.

Section 9. Minority Issues Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to assure that minorities are provided with the opportunity for equitable attention and sensitivity within the Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association and the juvenile justice system.

Section 10. Legislative Committee is responsible for researching past, present, and future legislation that may affect the children of our state. When appropriate, recommendations are made to the Executive Committee.

Section 11. Scholarships Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to determine and select which TJCSA members meet the requirements of the application(s) and make recommendations to the Executive Committee as to selected applicants from each region.

Section 12. The President shall appoint other committees as the need arises to serve the best interest of the Association, and these committees shall serve during the terms of the appointing President and shall be approved by the Executive Committee.