Awards Application now available

Your participation is encouraged in helping the Association identify and recognize significant individuals, organizations and programs that have been outstanding in their contributions to the children and Juvenile Courts of Tennessee.

You are invited to submit nominations for consideration of awards during the Association’s 33rd Annual Joint Conference on Juvenile Justice in Memphis, TN August 14-17, 2016 in these categories:

Meritorious Service Award
This award is presented to the individual, group of persons or organization for meritorious service to the Juvenile Courts of Tennessee.

Humanitarian Award
This award is presented to the person, group of persons, or organization for their humanitarian service to the children of Tennessee.

Outstanding Juvenile Court Worker Award
This award is presented to a para-professional staff person from a Juvenile Court in the State of Tennessee who has contributed to their Court’s improvement (i.e., clerical, security, etc.).

Outstanding Juvenile Court Probation/Youth Services Officer Award
This award is presented to a worker from a Juvenile Court in the State of Tennessee who has made a difference in the field of Juvenile Justice.

Outstanding Juvenile Court Supervisor/Administrator Award
This award is presented to a Manager/Administrator from a Juvenile Court in the State of Tennessee who has made a difference in the field of Juvenile Justice.

Please return your completed nomination application by May 30, 2016 to:

Margie Davis (  OR L’Tannia Williams (
Davidson County Juvenile Court
100 Woodland Street
P.O. Box 196306
Nashville, TN  37219-6306