Nominations for Executive Committee now open


TO:         TJCSA Voting Members

FROM:    L’Tannia Williams, TJCSA PRESIDENT

RE:          Executive Committee Positions

DATE:    March 7, 2022

Elections to the TJCSA Executive Committee for representatives from the East, Middle and West Grand Divisions will be held at the Association’s Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, August 31 2021, 9:00 a.m., at the Grand Hyatt Nashville.

TJCSA encourages you to submit nominations for consideration.  The Executive Committee determines the direction and goals of our Association; therefore, please consider individuals that will provide the leadership needed to move the Association forward as an effective voice for the Juvenile Justice System of Tennessee.

If you wish to nominate someone or yourself, please fill out the attached application and return it to Mary Ann Smith, TJCSA Nominations Committee Chairperson, Davidson County Juvenile Court, P.O. Box 196306, Nashville, Tennessee 37219-6306 or e-mail:  The deadline for submission of nominations is April 27, 2021.

Listed below are the terms of available positions:


1 position on Executive Committee to serve 3 year term


1 position on Executive Committee to serve 3 year term