Membership &
Sponsorship Opportunities
By joining TJCSA, you will have the opportunity to work with other professionals in serving the needs and interests of children in Tennessee. As a 501(c)(3) organization, we rely entirely on memberships and sponsorships to help us be successful.
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Why You
Should Belong
The Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association can help you become more effective in resolving problems with which you are confronted daily.
TJCSA was founded in 1973 by a group of dedicated Juvenile Court professionals interested in improving the juvenile justice system. By joining TJCSA, you will have the opportunity to work with other professionals in serving the needs and interests of children in Tennessee.
To provide a vehicle for sharing of solutions to common problems and for developing services to the Juvenile Courts of Tennessee
To create avenues for regular exchange of ideas and techniques employed in the respective areas of administration, detention care, probation services and court clerk responsibilities.
To unite members in the acceptance of a standard of conduct and a code of ethics by which they agree to abide in the performance of their duties.
To aid in the development of community programs and services and to give regional and state wide support to efforts of shared interest being put forth by allied professional organizations.
Conferences, regional meetings and training presented and sponsored by the Association to assist in obtaining credits to maintain professional certification.
The support of other juvenile justice professionals.
A forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences which will help you with the problems encountered in your work with troubled children and their families.
Enhancement of your professional integrity.
Representation of your ideas and concerns, both within your region and the state.
Newsletters with timely updates on juvenile justice information and other related matters.
Regular TJCSA Membership (open only to Juvenile Court Personnel)………….$40.00
TJCSA uses PayPal for fast, convenient and secure payments. Click the links below to remit payments. Thank you!
***Note: TJCSA has online payment methods available, but there is a convenience fee attached to the transactions. This is not a tax being assessed.
Miscellaneous Sponsorship Amount
Charitable Donation (deductible to the extent allowed by law)
Membership Dues Only $40.00
Registration Only $160.00
Registration w/ Dues $200.00
Registration $205.00
New Membership Forms Will be sent to you separately via email
Questions About Sponsorship?
Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible
News Feed
2025 Charles Traughber Scholarship Letter and Application Now Available
The file can be downloaded here. It’s a word document, so be sure to check your downloads folder once clicking on the link, as the document
2025 Charles Campbell Scholarship Letter and Application Now Available
The file can be downloaded here. It’s a word document, so be sure to check your downloads folder once clicking on the link, as the document
TJCSA Exec Committee Memo 2025
The file can be downloaded here. It’s a word document, so be sure to check your downloads folder once clicking on the link, as the